Cancellation, Refund and Delivery
Orders can be ordinarily cancelled before the items are dispatched and or kept ready for delivery. No cancellation are levied for order in such circumstances in which the cancellation notice was received by us before the product became ready for dispatch. Packing and unpacking charges may be levied if orders are cancelled when items are kept ready in packed condition ready for dispatch. Once the goods are given to the custody of courier or transport or logistic partners, cancellation will be processed upon receipt of return of goods, without taking into consideration if the consignment was received or rejected by the consignee or not. Any cancellation charges will be without any profit motive and on actual approximate cost only.
In case of cancellation, refunds are ordinarily issued within 48 hours only to the bank account of the customer. No cash dealings or refund under any circumstances. In case of the payment being made on credit card, only the credit card account will be credited unless otherwise specifically accepted by the parties concerned.
Most of our items are counter delivery. Door delivery charges may apply and will be intimated as and when required.
We reserve the right to alter, modify or change this policy as and when required.
Legal jurisdiction for delivery related dispute shall be the City of Bangalore, in India, irrespective of delivery address.